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Help and Advice

Cohabitation – What are the risks?

At Watson Thomas Solicitors we provide legal advice and representation for clients who are just starting out in their relationship, such as when a Pre-Nuptial Agreement is required, as well as those who have reached the end of their relationship and are looking to separate or divorce. But not all couples choose to marry, and in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of couples choosing to co-habit rather than getting married.

What rights does the mother have over the father?

It is often a stressful and emotional time for parties when a relationship breaks down. This is even more so where there are children involved as there will sometimes be difficulties in agreeing arrangements for the children such as where and with whom the children will live and what contact the absent parent will have with the children.

Who makes the arrangements for the children will depend on who has parental responsibility (PR) for the child. All biological mothers and most fathers have legal rights and responsibilities as a parent.

The Consequences of Illicitly Obtaining Evidence During a Divorce

When two parties are going through financial proceedings during a divorce, it can be frustrating when one party knows the other is being dishonest. It is not unusual for an ex-spouse to deny the value of their assets, or to dissipate money somewhere else in the hopes that they can benefit from it after financial proceedings are finalised.