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Help and Advice

Finances after a foreign divorce

“I divorced outside of the UK but the finances were not dealt with – what can I do?”

“The financial order made by the foreign Court in my divorce is insufficient or is inferior to the award that would have been given if the divorce took place within the UK – what can I do?”

Do we need to wait 2 years before getting divorced?

We often meet with clients who are under the impression that they have to wait for 2 years to pass before they can get divorced. Clients also regularly believe that by waiting this 2 year period the divorce process itself will be quicker and cheaper. This is simply not correct and is often not the most sensible way for clients to proceed.


What should I expect when I go to Court?

If you have a Court date looming as part of your Divorce or Children application, then it can seem to be a daunting prospect. If you are wondering what to wear, how to act or what will happen, we have set out some answers to commonly asked questions to prepare you for your Court Hearing.