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Top 5 Divorce Myths Debunked

1. I can get divorced in 6 weeks

The media reports celebrities getting a “6 week” divorce and online divorce companies say they can give you a “quickie” divorce. What they are actually talking about is a waiting period that has to happen between the second and third final stage of a divorce process.

Good Divorce Week 28 November – 2nd December

Resolution is lobbying to raise awareness for two key areas which were highlighted in their Manifesto which was launched in February 2015:resolution family law divorce week

1. To allow people to divorce without blame

2. To allow basic legal rights for couples who live together if they separate

The ‘Good Divorce Week’ campaign runs from 28th November to 2nd December and the organisation will have 150 members lobbying in Parliament on 30th November to try to initiate changes to the justice system in a bid to make it better for modern society.

Form E – Financial Statement on Divorce

What is a Form E?

A Form E is a detailed form setting out your financial details, including the needs of yourself and the children.  Both you and your spouse have a duty to provide full and frank disclosure in your Form E, giving full details of all your finances including; capital, income and pensions. You also need to provide a comprehensive schedule of outgoings and expenses. Download Form E and Download Expenses Schedule.