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Divorce & Relationship Breakdown

Communication breakdown in relationship

My spouse won’t communicate with me, what can I do?

Unfortunately, our clients sometimes find themselves in a position whereby their ex-partner refuses to discuss their separation, financial arrangements or arrangements for the children with them and is instead seemingly burying their head in the sand.

getting divorced after wedding abroad

I got married abroad, can I get divorced in England?

People choose to get married abroad for various reasons such as if one or both spouses were not originally from England or Wales, or perhaps the couple simply wanted to combine an exotic honeymoon with the wedding ceremony itself.

Differences between divorce and separation

What is the difference between a Separation Agreement and a Financial Order?

To answer this question, it is important to understand the difference between a separation and a divorce.

Divorce is only available for married couples and is the only way to formally end a marriage. Separation is an option for married couples that choose separate without divorcing and is also available to couples that are not married but that decide that they no longer wish to be together. A separation does not end a marriage and therefore does not end the financial claims that each spouse may have regarding the other’s finances.