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Divorce & Relationship Breakdown

How The New 'No-Fault Divorce' Will Help Ease Emotional Strain

Yesterday saw the announcement in the news of a “No-Fault Divorce”.

This must be welcome news to many couples who have simply drifted apart to the point where their marriage has broken down, but where neither want to cite allegations of unreasonable behaviour against the other.

Does how my relationship ended affect my case?

Often relationships break down due to someone behaving badly such as having an affair or hiding important information from their partner. This can often continue after the end of that relationship. However bad behaviour is not the same as bad conduct in Court proceedings. What the Court considers to be bad conduct is rarely a test of what is socially acceptable behaviour. It is what is dictated by the law.

Watson Thomas Solicitors in Fleet & Guildford – A Modern Law Firm

It was with great excitement we announced the opening of our new Guildford Office at the beginning of January.