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communication breakdown in relationship

My spouse won’t communicate with me, what can I do?

Unfortunately, our clients sometimes find themselves in a position whereby their ex-partner refuses to discuss their separation, financial arrangements or arrangements for the children with them and is instead seemingly burying their head in the sand.

It is often the case that even when numerous attempts to communicate have been made directly by a client to their spouse and ignored, that a conciliatorily worded letter from solicitors can assist to start communications between them.

Opening up a channel of communication

In the first instance, once we are instructed, we will write to the other party to introduce ourselves and explain the outcome we are looking to achieve – whether that is to commence divorce proceedings and financial negotiations or perhaps discuss future arrangements for children.

We will often ask the other party to respond to our correspondence within a certain time period and advise them to seek independent legal advice of their own.

If a response is not received within the requested timeframe, we will discuss with you the possible next steps to progress your case. This could be sending a further, more firmly drafted chasing letter to the other party, considering inviting them to mediation or considering whether it is necessary to obtain the assistance of a Court timetable to ensure that your case proceeds in a timely manner.

Assistance of a Court

The commencement of Court proceedings need not be seen as a hostile step. In fact, the commencement of proceedings can prove helpful to both parties as it will put in place a clear timetable of steps that need to be actioned prior to a first hearing taking place.

For example, in a financial case, the Court timetable will first require you and your spouse to provide the other with full and frank financial disclosure, thereafter, you will each have the ability to raise questions about the other’s financial position and provide responses to the questions raised. Thereafter, a first hearing will likely take place.

The Court timetable ensures that by the time attendance at Court is required, you are both in a situation whereby you fully understand the other’s financial resources and are ready to negotiate a settlement.

Alternatively, if despite the Court timetable being in place, your spouse continues to ignore correspondence and fails to provide the documentation required, we can seek penalties from the Court, such as a wasted costs order if you have incurred legal fees in preparing for a hearing which your spouse failed to attend.

Should your spouse fail to engage with us or the Court procedure entirely, this will likely result in the Court making a final decision in their absence. This will ensure that you are able to achieve finality and begin to move on.

Watson Thomas Solicitors have offices in Fleet, Guildford, LondonBracknell, Camberley, Farnborough and Woking.

If this is a situation that you are finding yourself in, please contact us to arrange a free callback and a member of our team will be in touch to advise on how to proceed.

Please call us on 0330 311 9849.

Watson Thomas are a dedicated team of Family Lawyers who specialise in all aspects of family law. 

Our staff can work from home and access all systems so even if all are required to self-isolate this will not affect the day-to-day running of your case. We can also hold appointments via telephone and video conferencing, as needs be, to ensure that your service is not interrupted.