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Mediation: a better way to separate

Wondering where to start with sorting out matters after your separation? Mediation offers a safe and private forum for separating couples to discuss how to manage arrangements for their children and finances.

With the help of a trained facilitator, you can work out who will issue and pay for divorce proceedings, deal with financial issues and talk about issues affecting your children. We prepare notes covering the key decisions made at your mediation sessions. Our mediation services are provided by practising solicitors who can provide key legal information to guide your discussions.

An amicable divorce is a cheaper divorce, so it pays to start working out arrangements early. Early agreement on the key issues will help avoid costly court battles, and preserve more of the matrimonial assets for you to share.

If you're dealing with financial issues, a mediator will help you work through the figures and support the preparation of financial information. The mediator will also co-ordinate with your solicitor to ensure you get the right advice.

When talking about children, we help you work out shared care arrangements and parenting plans. The mediator will assist you as parents to work out what is best for your children and give you both a chance to communicate your wishes and ideas to each other.

Mediation discussions are confidential and cannot be used against you if there are subsequent court proceedings.

If you are wondering if mediation is right for you, please come and talk to us to find out more about keeping your family out of court.

Visit our website www.keepoutofcourt.co.uk for more information.