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  • Does how my relationship ended affect my case?

    Does how my relationship ended affect my case?

    Often relationships break down due to someone behaving badly such as having an affair or hiding important information from their partner. This can often continue after the end of that relationship. However bad behaviour is not the same as bad conduct in Court proceedings. What the Court considers to be bad conduct is rarely a test of what is socially acceptable behaviour. It is what is dictated by the law.

  • Does your Divorce need a Spring Clean before Retirement?

    Does your Divorce need a Spring Clean before Retirement?

    Divorce has been a part of our society for centuries, but over time the expectations and assumptions of divorcing parties has developed and changed. Spousal maintenance is no longer viewed as a guaranteed income for the primary carer of the couple’s children especially when retirement is looming, and the recent pension changes brought in last year may affect a spouse’s interest in their ex-partner’s existing pension.

  • Don’t fall into the Remarriage Trap!

    Don’t fall into the Remarriage Trap!

    If you are planning to remarry, following a divorce, the time is now, to ensure you have resolved your financial claims with your ex-spouse prior to your big day!

  • Family Dispute Resolution Week

    Family Dispute Resolution Week starts 24th November

    Resolution's biggest public-facing campaign of the year, Family Dispute Resolution Week, launched on 24th November.  

    Marriage Separation and Divorce is devastating. But it doesn't have to be. There is a better way for you, your family and your children, which family law organisation Resolution is highlighting as part of Family Dispute Resolution Week 24-28 November. Take a few minutes to view the campaign video.

  • Finances after a foreign divorce

    Finances after a foreign divorce

    “I divorced outside of the UK but the finances were not dealt with – what can I do?”

    “The financial order made by the foreign Court in my divorce is insufficient or is inferior to the award that would have been given if the divorce took place within the UK – what can I do?”

  • Find Free Relationship Advice

    Find Free Relationship Advice

    Separation and divorce can be a painful and stressful experience for all involved; the two of you as well as your children and other close family members, but there are many organisations, local and national, who offer free relationship advice and counselling during this difficult period in your life.

  • Form E – Financial Statement on Divorce

    Form E – Financial Statement on Divorce

    What is a Form E?

    A Form E is a detailed form setting out your financial details, including the needs of yourself and the children.  Both you and your spouse have a duty to provide full and frank disclosure in your Form E, giving full details of all your finances including; capital, income and pensions. You also need to provide a comprehensive schedule of outgoings and expenses. Download Form E and Download Expenses Schedule.

  • Get to Grips with Legal Terminology

    Get to Grips with Legal Terminology

    Common Legal Words and Terms used during divorce and family law cases

    If you are considering a divorce, or are currently going through a divorce, you will likely have read some articles on the divorce process and have some idea on what steps you need to take.

    If your research has taken you to a variety of resources, or you are already in the process of a divorce, you may be feeling a little confused by various legal terms because you don’t fully understand the meaning of them.

  • Getting consent from your ex to take your child abroad on holiday

    I want to take my minor son on holiday with me, but I am worried his father won’t consent. What do I do?

    In order to take a child abroad, you must get the consent of every person with parental responsibility. Parental responsibility enables you to make important decisions about the care and welfare of your child including those relating to education, health care, religion and holidays abroad.

  • Grounds for Divorce - Unreasonable Behaviour

    Grounds for Divorce - ‘Unreasonable Behaviour’

    To file for divorce you need to prove there has been an irretrievable breakdown in your marriage and ‘unreasonable behaviour’ serves as one of the five grounds for divorce.
    Unreasonable behaviour varies from person to person but examples of the types of unreasonable behaviour often cited within Divorce Proceedings are as follows:

  • How much does a divorce cost if both parties agree?

    How much does a divorce cost if both parties agree?

    One of the concerns that everyone has when they are thinking about getting a divorce is how much it is going to cost.  If the reason your marriage has broken down is because of financial strain to begin with, then it can feel like a daunting prospect to proceed with a divorce. 

  • How The New 'No-Fault Divorce' Will Help Ease Emotional Strain

    How The New 'No-Fault Divorce' Will Help Ease Emotional Strain

    Yesterday saw the announcement in the news of a “No-Fault Divorce”.

    This must be welcome news to many couples who have simply drifted apart to the point where their marriage has broken down, but where neither want to cite allegations of unreasonable behaviour against the other.

  • How to complete a Form E for financial disclosure

    Form E Divorce Financial Disclosure

    How to complete a Form E for financial disclosure

    What is a Form E?

    When a marriage breaks down and the financial settlement is being discussed, it is advisable for the parties to exchange full and frank financial disclosure before preparing offers and deciding on the best way to divide the matrimonial assets. This is because it is helpful for both parties to have a clear understanding of each other’s finances when considering what is fair and it allows them both to obtain legal advice in respect of the finances.

  • How to finalise your divorce

    Divorce decree absolute

    How to finalise your divorce when your Decree Nisi was pronounced more than 12 months ago

    The Decree Absolute is the final decree which brings your marriage to an end and means you are divorced. Before you can have your Decree Absolute the Court must have pronounced your Decree Nisi.

  • How to Get a Divorce – The 10 Step Process

    How to Get a Divorce – The 10 Step Process

    1. Before doing anything, be 100% certain that divorce is the only solution

    A relationship break-down is a stressful time for all concerned and as emotions run high, the decision to file for divorce may seem the only solution at the current time, however, there are other options available that could give you both time apart, giving you space to help you evaluate your marriage more effectively and decide if it has indeed reached a point of no return, or whether there is still some hope for a reconciliation. If you are 100% certain that a divorce is the right decision, then there is a legal process to follow. For some couples, dependent upon the clarity of the assets owned and finances, this process can take four to six months, but for others it may take many months or even years to conclude the process and obtain a Decree Absolute.

  • How to Move On from Separation to the Finality of Divorce

    How to Move On from Separation to the Finality of Divorce

    If you are separated and have been for some time, you will likely be thinking more and more about how to move on from your current separated status to the finality of divorce.

  • I got married abroad, can I get divorced in England?

    getting divorced after wedding abroad

    I got married abroad, can I get divorced in England?

    People choose to get married abroad for various reasons such as if one or both spouses were not originally from England or Wales, or perhaps the couple simply wanted to combine an exotic honeymoon with the wedding ceremony itself.

  • I have lost my job, do I still have to pay my Spousal Maintenance?

    Spousal Maintenance payments

    I have lost my job, do I still have to pay my Spousal Maintenance?

    In these uncertain economic times, this is a highly relevant question to be answered.

    In situations whereby a couple have separated and finalised their Matrimonial claims against each other by entering into an Order of the Court, there may be a provision that provides for one party to pay maintenance to the other on a monthly basis for a set period of time.

    This may be in respect of child maintenance (for the upkeep of the children) or spousal maintenance (to support the spouse in meeting her outgoings) or in some circumstances, both. 

  • I want to leave my spouse, but all the money is in their name – What can I do?

    Separation Divorce Consultation

    I want to leave my spouse, but all the money is in their name – What can I do?

    Coming to the decision that your marriage is at an end is never easy, but it can be even more concerning if your spouse is the financially stronger party. Worries about being “cut-off” or forced out of the house can lead many to feel they are trapped. There are steps you can take to protect yourself in these circumstances, but it is important to take early advice to ensure you understand the position.

  • If I am the Respondent in divorce, do I need a solicitor?

    If I am the Respondent in divorce, do I need a solicitor?

    We are often asked by clients whether they need a solicitor to deal with the divorce process when their spouse has started divorce proceedings. The easy answer is that it is entirely up to you, however, to be on the safe side, we would answer yes!