Fleet 01252884759

Guildford 01483494056

Winchester 01962383136


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Resolving financial issues that arise as a result of divorce or separation

The process of resolving financial issues between parties runs alongside divorce or dissolution proceedings and is often an area of great importance and complexity.

It is imperative that you seek legal advice as soon as possible relating to finances, particularly where there are significant assets such as the matrimonial home or there are pressing issues relating to income needs (maintenance).

Personal and commercial financial disclosures, partnership agreements, trusts

Watson Thomas Solicitors are highly experienced in dealing with complex personal and commercial financial arrangements, including property issues, family businesses, partnerships and trusts. We are able to guide clients through the financial disclosure process, apply expert skills to uncover hidden assets and present a case in the most appropriate manner.

If necessary we will also act quickly to protect assets, for example if it appears assets may be dissipated or hidden by the other party.

Our office in Guildford is just minutes from the local County Court and close to London and we are therefore in a good position to make emergency applications.

Watson Thomas Solicitors have offices in Fleet, WinchesterGuildfordBracknell, Camberley, Farnborough and Woking.

If you need legal guidance and support on resolving financial issues that arise as a result of divorce or separation, please call on 0330 311 9849.