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Child Law

Top 10 Facts about Parental Responsibility

Here are top 10 facts about parental responsibility that you should know:-

1.  Parental Responsibility is automatically granted to the mother of a child, and to both parents if they are married when the child is born or marry afterwards. If unmarried parents are listed on the birth certificate and were present at the registration of the birth of the child they will have parental responsibility. If one parent was not present, but is listed on the birth certificate, they may not have parental responsibility.

Who decides which parent should have custody of a child?

When parents separate, the first question for most is going to be:  Who is going to look after the child or children or, put differently, how much time is the child going to spend with each parent?  Often the word "custody" is used in this context, but this word has no specific, legal meaning.  If there is a court order defining where a child will live, it is called a "child arrangements order".  However, it is usually not necessary to have a child arrangements order to determine where a child will live or who will have "custody" for a child.

Autism and Shared Parenting

There are approximately 700,000 people in the UK with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), according to a study by the NHS. This means that ASD affects 1 in 100 people, and affects individuals as well as families. Individuals with an ASD can be anywhere on the spectrum, and symptoms vary. Whilst there are urban legends that 80% of marriages end in divorce when there is an autistic child in the family, the reality is that divorce in a family with autistic children is no less likely than between parents of children without autism.