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Child Law

Alcohol testing within family law proceedings

In some situations, allegations are made between parents as to the consumption of alcohol. Where there are concerns of this nature, often contact between children and the accused parent is limited until clear evidence as to the sobriety of the parent is established.

Can I take my child abroad without the other parent’s consent?

We are often asked who can take a child out of the UK on holiday and whether the consent of both parents is required.

What is reasonable access for fathers?

This is a tricky question to answer. Each case is different and there is no “one size fits all” answer as one type of contact arrangement that may suit some and not others.

When deciding on contact arrangements, you will need to consider how much hands-on care the non-resident parent can realistically provide and how much they have provided in the past. You also need to consider the age of the child, schooling arrangements for the child and any work commitments.