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Divorce & Relationship Breakdown

What are the chances of a father winning custody of children?

There has been a historic problem in the family court with Judges favouring mothers over fathers, as it was thought they would be more capable of caring for the children of the family. When two parents cannot agree where their children should live, or if one parent fears the other cannot care for the children properly, they have the option of taking the matter to Court. The Court hears both parties, and after several hearings a decision will be made about where the children live (also called custody) and when they see the non-resident parent.

How much does a divorce cost if both parties agree?

One of the concerns that everyone has when they are thinking about getting a divorce is how much it is going to cost.  If the reason your marriage has broken down is because of financial strain to begin with, then it can feel like a daunting prospect to proceed with a divorce. 

What are the chances of a father winning custody of children?

There has been a historic problem in the family court with Judges favouring mothers over fathers, as it was thought they would be more capable of caring for the children of the family. When two parents cannot agree where their children should live, or if one parent fears the other cannot care for the children properly, they have the option of taking the matter to Court. The Court hears both parties, and after several hearings a decision will be made about where the children live (also called custody) and when they see the non-resident parent.